3M™ 甲醛淨化除味噴霧 200毫升
‧ 高效去除車內氨、甲醛、VOC揮發性有機化合物及異味,淨化車內及室內空氣‧ 通過化學捕捉和反應,持續有效去除甲醛,非傳統型淨化劑遮蓋氣味‧ 新型噴霧瓶設計,噴霧釋放和緩,接觸面積更大‧ 使用方便快捷..
660L Mobile Garbage Bin ( Green ) 垃圾桶
尺寸: 1255(W) x 815(D) x 1185(H)mm 載重量: 264 kg 顏色: 綠色配有去水活塞及安全剎車掣可升上垃圾車..
AURABEAT AG+Pro Silver Ion Antiviral Air Purifier NSP-PCO
醫療級銀離子抗病毒空氣淨化機Supreme product - on the recommendation list of FEHDCombined with patented silver ion H13 HEPA filter, which effectively filters out 99.97% of particles as small as 0.01 micronCertified by MRI global that can eliminate >99.9% of the covid-19 virus and other viruses including influenza virus, Staphylococcus aureus etc. in 30 mi..
Combined with patented silver ion H13 HEPA filter, which effectively filters out 99.97% of particles as small as 0.01 micron Certified by MRI global that can eliminate >99.9% of the covid-19 virus and other viruses including influenza virus, Staphylococcus aureus etc. in 30 minutesCombined with of H13 HEPA and patenedt AG+silver ion technol..
Aurabeat NSP-X1 / NSP-X2 Filter Set (H13 HEPA)
High-Efficiency Silver ion air filter (with pre-filter) [H13 level]For Aurabeat AG+ Silver Ion Plasma Sterilization Air Purifier (NSP-X1/ NSP-X2)With pre-filterGeneral usage, the filter does not need to be replaced for 6-18 months or morePre-filter can be cleaned and reused with a vacuum cleanerPurification FunctionPre-filter: Intercept hair, fibre..
BIOEM 1公升補充裝 (BR1000)
BioEm空氣消毒淨化液,專利配方,採用天然植物精華提鍊而成,能有效殺滅多種細菌及病毒(如: 沙士SARS、甲型流感H1N1、EV71腸病毒、禽流感H5N1、人流感H3N2、軍團菌和抗藥性金黃葡萄球菌等),分解總揮發性有機化合物 (TVOC),如: 甲醛及除異味。 產品獲權威機構認證,安全可靠,適合任何年齡人士使用。 建議應用範圍:家居防疫 – 客廳/飯廳、廚房、睡房、洗手間、衣帽間、儲物室、鞋櫃及地氈等。兒童護理 – 日用品消毒 (毛公仔/玩具、食具、BB床具、書包及BB車等)。車廂淨化 – 淨化空氣、消毒殺菌、分解車箱內的甲醛和異味 (食物味、煙味及寵物異味等)。運動衛生 – 運動用品消毒 (健身器材、公用浴巾、瑜珈軟墊及運動衣物等)。 BioEm空氣消毒..
Formaster New Coronavirus ( COVID-19 ) Antigen Rapid Test Kit ( swab )
Brand: Formaster25 kits / box 40 box / cases Registered EU CEEach Box include the following items:~ Test Device 25 pcs~ Sterilized Swab 25 pcs~ Sample Extraction Buffer 25 pcs~ Nozzle 25 pcs~ Package Insert 1 pc..