Aluminium alloy cast head, legs in aluminium with two mounted pulleys at the head of the tripod in the prolongation of the main leg for passing a cableMax. Load Capacity: 500kgStrength of anchorage point greater than 12 KNFully adjustable height from 1.15m to 2.15m Wheelbase: 1.5m Dia. Karam PN801 winch machine for TripodEN1496: 2017 ( Cl..
不綉鋼傘 (Stainless Steel Umbrella)-單層
產品名稱:單層不綉鋼傘 (拉繩)傘架:不綉鋼支架產品中柱:直徑48mmX8(Rib)中注連接:長杆布料:滌綸布顏色:米白色/酒紅色/墨綠色/卡其色/寶藍色備注:尺吋可選:圓形: 直徑2.7或3米 ; 方形:2米X2米 ; 2.5米X2.5米 ; 3米X3米 產品補充細節分類:中柱分類:中柱38mm中柱48mm傘款分類:圓形:直徑2.7m / 3m正方形: 2mX2m / 2.5mX2.5m / 3mX3m方形傘分類:4傘骨或8傘骨更多關於不綉鋼傘的細節詳情,歡迎致電聯絡我們!..